Today we are going to take a look into ConDoc Tools using multiple layers, to control the visual style of that section cut. We will also look into the functionalities of Lumion. ConDoc tools drastically expedite:
- Construction Document
- Presentation Packages
Definition of Lumion
Lumion is a photo realstic render program which creates
- skills
- animation
- Virtual tour and virtual reality.
It is one stop need what finally polishes your SketchUp mode.
Now let’s discuss using Layers, in ConDoc System. This helps to create a clean way of modelling in SketchUp.
- Open ConDoc template
- Take the walls and put it into a group and assign a layer, assign first the exterior layer and then the interior layer. This actually helps for the meticulous representation of the project.
- Using ConDoc system is mainly grouping and assigning a layer to it.
- To create interior elevation or section go to ConDoc system and ten go to section Tool. Section Tool added a section plane and it creates a scene named AA.
- Then it flipped on a bunch of layers on and off based on the settings, and changed to a style.
- Now one has to turn off the decorative option.
- We always have to keep in mind the basic rules of scene, if one changes the properties of the scene, one needs to remind it.
- Then go to the scenes dialogue and update it by clicking Update all.
- Go to visible layers and then go to section AA, herein we find the decorative objects are off.
- Then just right click the scene tab and Update.
- At this point if we feel our section cut is not revealing anything, Add some extra section plane.
Rules of SketchUp
There are few thumb rules for sketch up. The rules are specified as follows:
- You can have an active section plane of your model as per the levels.
- If you go the base levels of SketchUp you will find walls, doors and windows.
- Once we create groups for SketchUp we can enable each one of those groups into one active section plane.
- Once one eliminates/ Chop the walls ceiling equipment chopped.
- Double click on the walls, chop the walls.
- Tap the right arrow to add a section cut there. Press Escape to back up.
- To show the windows properly double click the windows and add a section cut, tap the right arrow and snapped the midpoint and click.
- Tap the right arrow and snapped the midpoint and click.
- Nice Clean chop through the ceiling. Now let us look into the ceiling equipment.
- Make a cut through in ceiling equipment
Finally update the section plane AA. You can do this by going to design and then go to the ceiling fan, Lets rotate the ceiling fan.
View the Section Plane
Add a section cut by clicking the right arrow and updating it.
- Viewing the section plane
- To hide the visibility of the plane cut the ceiling equipment, Add and active cut pointing the opposite way
- Tap right arrow click it and put it in front.
- Remind Section AA and save It.
- Now tap layout in ConDoc tools go to 8 by 11 Landscapes.
- Go to scrapbook and then go to section.
- Drag and drop the section and rebuild the file and see the master suite. We can see the scale is optimised for vector rendering. Select the view point to 8.25, we can see the windows showing up.
- The main function of these multiple section plane is that it has the ability to hide some equipment’s and also to control our section plane.
- ConDoc actually Compartmentalize each one of these containers with each creative object to display.