
UV Mapping for Sketchup

Some tips and Plugins to resolve that Tutorial Basic Level

IF you want to apply some Materials & Textures over GeometryinSketchup, you can find sometimes some problems. (Because the complexity of the-geometry or others Parameters ). So to resolve that, you can use some Plugins to do in order the :""UV Mapping""! adding these elements to your Sketchup program. The best way tounderstand that is see the Videos for each plugin. There are different options,with different Plugins:

  1. "Thru Paint Plugin" by Fredo
    • Where:
    • Price: Free
    • Plugin author : Fredo
  2. (Apply Materials in a good way for Renderings)

    • --You need to install some Fredo Tools & Fredo-Library too.
    • Thru Paint is into Fredo Tools Plugin!--.
    • But that is highly recommended !.

    Youtube Video by 'The Sketchup Essentials' :

  3. Wrap-R for Sketchup

    (You can see some info over these Plugin by Chipp Walters-video tutorial).

    • Site plugin
    • Price : +-75$
    • *Video :
  4. "SketchUV"Plugin

    Download since Extension WarehouseFree

    In Youtube, you can find a lot of tutorials over how work, Only

    write: “ SketchUV” / SketchUV mapping Tutorials.

"Wrap-r Plugin":

That is only some Screenshots to see a little bit how that works, Making the juste coordination between Geometry and the Textures.

Here is from the ""Wrap-R Plugin "" Youtube-video .

Thru Paint Plugin

Here some images over Thru Paint by Fredo. (since the video /Sketchup Essentials chanel).

Video ( 6 min 26 seg)

Youtube Video by ‘The Sketchup Essentials’ :

"SketchUV" plugin (From 'Extension Warehouse')

Some screenshots of these plugin,

You need to see some video to better understand how work.

There a lot in Youtube / "Sketchuv" mapping tutorials.

--(These group imagescomes from the video “UVmapping”by Robson Jacobsen youtube-chanel)--.

Not so difficult but you need to see each video plugin To better understand.(5—6 minutes+-).

I prefer the Thru Paint plugin, because is very specific and complet

Author Bio

Claudio Feldman

An internationally acclaimed artist-cum-architect, Claudio Feldman was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has over a hundred successful art exhibitions under his belt. For the last 20 years, he has been involved in creating stunning artistry through digital 3D design software such as SketchUp, and bringing them to life via 3D printing. Furthermore, Claudio is an accomplished architect (Architect - University Architecture BS AS/FADU-UBA) and has even published many books on the subjects.