This plugin is a set tools to Randomize various things in a Sketchup Model,
In this way you can resolve a lot of copies from your object, but with ‘random variations’,
To obtain different Scales,Rotations,etc…
1)The best is try it with some examples :
2) I need all select…after that I can click the first botton,and give some dimensions in the windows that appears…..,and each square extrude to different Heigths….giving a special
NON-Uniform-Grid !…(Containers?)….
3) Changing the dimensions in the window, you can obtain higher cubes……extrusions.
4) The following buttons will give you other options, such as positioning the Objects on Edges, Vertices or in the Middle of each Face-Region, … depending on what you want.
5) You can get different results, trying one or another command (buttons), …. you could try to test one by one, always selecting first an object and the terrain or grid where you would place the objects (or Components, or Proxy! -so freeze pc).
–In the case of trees, I first converted each object into a ” Proxy-Object ‘,so when trying a quantity, the pc responds better, of course.
How to create Proxies ?… by converting object to proxy, from Vray–.
6) “”One Component and 1 Grid””
How Much do you need ? ….With or Whitout Rotations ?…
7) Here an example with a ‘’Tree’’ ( ‘Proxy ‘element,.. previous)
After that randomize a Group…with differents Scales,or….variations…etc
8) This can be very useful for different Situations, where one wants to create something repetitive but with variations, like a Forest …. many People in an event, … variations of Objects, Buildings, or Volumes, for one reason or another.It will depend on the interest and capacity of each one, to achieve very interesting things, or that are useful for your project.
It is worth trying it, downloading it, and … see, it is also a Free application!But interesting !!…CheersI hope it helps you !.
Happy Holidays
Happy New Year 2021
Hopefully this Pandemic ends, for the good of All!
Claudio Feldman,arq