
SketchUp Menu Bar – Know How to Use

Simul Chowdhury: Editor

SketchUp offers a straightforward approach in every feature so that anyone can design anything without having any prior knowledge. The menu bar contains easy-to-use functions that are as simple as you expect. It has, more or less, the same features that are common in the 3D designing applications. The only thing that distinguishes SketchUp from others is its instant-learning appeal proved to be helpful for both beginners and experts in equal measure.

The content makes you well-aware of different tools and the features. They are designed to give you a complete control when you are designing 3D models. Take a look at the commonly used menu bar functions.

• File – the file menu is used for creating, opening and saving SketchUp files. It also contains the options like export, import and print for carrying out the necessary tasks.
• Edit – edit menu contains the commands that help you modify or create a needed shape to make your design as per your wish.

• View – it has commands that control the appearance of the model you are drawing. The feature decides how the model visible on the screen.
• Camera – this menu makes you understand about the view points of the model. You can analyze the look of the model skillfully selecting the right view point.
• Draw – it allows you to draw edges and faces of your choice.
• Window – window menu is for opening a dialog box of your use. It has all the necessary functions that give you a quick access to the functions that you apply frequently.

• Plugins – this menu offers you some additional plugins designed to give your model a more realistic look. You can check or uncheck some features as per the necessary.
• Help – help menu is for your help if you need to move ahead on the SketchUp. It has some important resources that take you out if you stuck in somewhere in your design.

These functions are common and they make the basics of SketchUp for the designers. The simplistic appeal includes everyone who wants to present their designing a 3D look without adopting grave knowledge measurement and tools. These perform simply and flawlessly to make the designing interesting.

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SketchUp Menu Bar – Know How to Use