sketchup, sketchup tutorials, sketchup tips, sketchup plugins, armedia, vray

Author : Zernan Suarez

How to manage intensity and shadows using Omni Lights in Vray for Sketchup

Here I made a simple scenario & tutorial on how to manage the intensity and shadows using omni lights in vray for sketchup 1.48.91.

How to manage intensity and shadows

First, in vray editor I uncheck the GI and BG to make my whole scene totally black out.

How to manage intensity and shadows

You can see here the Omni light default decay parameters with sample render.

How to manage intensity and shadows

From default decay parameters to Linear with sample render.

How to manage intensity and shadows

From default decay parameters to Inverse with sample render.

How to manage intensity and shadows

3 Option Render with different value of shadow radius.

How to manage intensity and shadows

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