
How to Make Quick 3D Models From AutoCAD to SketchUp

Subhra Bera: Content Editor

One of the main advantages of using SketchUP is the ability to produce very fast 3D massings for the recommended site. This enables the understanding of how the space works in 3Rd dimension. Very often it’s tough for designers and clients alike to understand the relation of the ground plane and how they inform one another.

The great advantage to use SketchUp Pro is the ability to import DWG files from CAD programs, using the line that has drafted in AutoCAD to build the model. After simply importing the DWG lines and making them surfaces, it will be easier to build a model in just a few minutes.

1. Drafting in AutoCAD: First, the easiest step is drafting in CAD. Whether it is traced from hand drawn lines or drafted on specific detail level, it is need to make sure that the lines are connected properly. SketchUP is fussy, in that if there is a break in the lines, it will not want to make it a surface. After making a clean drawing, it must be saved as a DWG.

2. Importing Into SketchUp: Next go to file>import in Sketchup. Only SketchUp Pro users can import DWGs, but SketchUp Make users are able to import JPGs. At first export lines from AutoCAD as a PDF, then convert them to a JPG. Then the file can be imported into SketchUp. From there it will be easy to trace the lines using drawing tools in SketchUp. This takes more time, but it can be effective. For SketchUp Pro users make sure in the import screen to click “options” and then match the SketchUp units with AutoCAD units.

3. Proofing and Making Surfaces: Go to window>model info>statistics, then “purge unused” as well as “fix problems”.

How to Make Quick 3D Models From AutoCAD to SketchUp
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